Friday, June 22, 2012

My Eventful Day by the Pool

So today I went in the pool for the first time! (and I had too considering it was nearly 100 degrees outside). I played some pool bball by myself (yes I am considering this a 'sport' for the time being) while trying to stay away from the pool vacuum, due to the fact I continuously was tangled in it, unable to kick my left leg out. Oh, and lets not forget the amount of zinc oxide I applied to my scars to keep the sun out! Let me tell you first hand; that stuff is hard to get off!
AND the stitch that was left in my knee finally came out. I was glad cause it was a nuisance, yet I wasn't so sure about the tiny hole it left in my knee...hmmmm...
So like any 16 year old girl would do, I applied a 'Winnie the Pooh' bandaid to it and moved on.
As my grandma says, "It'll be better before you get married!"

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